
Spalte #col2



Klanke, J.-N., Ohl, S., & Rolfs, M. (2024). Sensorimotor awareness requires intention: Evidence from minuscule eye movements [Preprint]. bioRxiv . [doi]

Battaje, A., Godinez, A., Hanning, N. M., Rolfs, M., & Brock, O. (2024). An information processing pattern from robotics predicts properties of the human visual system [Preprint]. bioRxiv . [doi]

Kuper, C. & Rolfs, M. (2024). Rapid motor inhibition as a mechanism to prevent outdated movements [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. [doi]

Ohl, S. & Rolfs, M. (2024). Visual routines for detecting causal interactions are tuned to motion direction [Reviewed preprint]. eLife, 13:RP93454. [doi]

Rolfs, M., Schweitzer, R., Castet, E., Watson, T.L., & Ohl, S. (2023). Lawful kinematics link eye movements to the limits of high-speed perception [Preprint]. bioRxiv. [doi]

Kroell, L. M. & Rolfs, M. (2023). The magnitude and time course of pre-saccadic foveal prediction depend on the conspicuity of the saccade target [Reviewed preprint]. eLife, 12:RP91236. [doi]

Schweitzer, R., Doering, M., Seel, T., Raisch, J., & Rolfs, M. (2023). Saccadic omission revisited: What saccade-induced smear looks like [Preprint]. biorxiv. [doi]


Mengers, V., Roth, N., Brock, O., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs (2025). A robotics-inspired scanpath model reveals the importance of uncertainty and semantic object cues for gaze guidance in dynamic scenes. Journal of Vision, in press.


Grzeczkowski, L., Stein, A., & Rolfs (2024). Trans-retinal predictive signals of visual features are precise, saccade-specific and operate over a wide range of spatial frequencies. Journal of Neurophysiology, 132(6), 1887-1895. [link]

Roth, N., McLaughlin, J., Obermayer, K., & Rolfs, M. (2024). Gaze behavior reveals expectations of potential scene changes. Psychological Science, 35(12):1350--1363. [link] [pdf]

Roberts, D., Yao, B., Rolfs, M., Slate, R., Fattal, J., Bao, J., Achtyes, E., Tso, I.F., Diwadkar, V., & Thakkar, K.N. (2024). Altered use of extraretinal information during sequential saccadic eye movements in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with psychotic features. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 49(6), E402-E412. [link] [pdf]

Rolfs, M. & Hübner, C. (2024). Blink and you see it. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 121(16) e2404021121. [link] [pdf]

Ohl, S., Kroell, L. M., & Rolfs, M. (2024). Saccadic selection in visual working memory is robust across the visual field and linked to saccade metrics: Evidence from 9 experiments and more than 100,000 trials. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(2), 544-563. [pdf]

Lehet, M., Rolfs, M., Bao, J., Fattal, J., & Thakkar, K.N. (2024). Pre-saccadic shifts of attention in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Brain and Behavior, 14, e3466.[link] [pdf]

Yao, B., Rolfs, M., Roberts, D., Fattal, J., Achtyes, E.D., Tso, I.F., Diwadkar, V.A., Kashy, D., Bao, J., & Thakkar, K.N. (2024). Abnormal Oculomotor Corollary Discharge Signaling as a Trans-diagnostic Mechanism of Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, sbad180. [link] [pdf]


Caziot, B., Rolfs, M., & Backus, B. (2023). Orienting attention across binocular disparity. PNAS nexus, 2(10), pgad314. [link] [pdf]

Grzeczkowski, L., Shi, Z., Rolfs, M., & Deubel, H. (2023). Perceptual learning across saccades: feature- but not location-specific. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 120(43), e2303763120. [pdf]

Roth, N., Rolfs, M., Hellwich, O., & Obermayer, K. (2023). Objects guide human gaze behavior in dynamic real-world scenes. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(10), e1011512. [link] [pdf]

Heuer, A. & Rolfs, M. (2023). Temporal and spatial reference frames in visual working memory are defined by ordinal and relational properties. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49(9), 1361-1375. [pdf]

Battaje, A., Brock, O., & Rolfs, M. (2023). An interactive motion perception tool for kindergarteners (and vision scientists). i-Perception, 14(2), 1-16. [link] [pdf]


Kroell, L. M. & Rolfs, M. (2022). Foveal vision anticipates defining features of eye movement targets. eLife, 11, e78106. [pdf]

Heuer, A. & Rolfs, M. (2022). A direct comparison of attentional orienting to spatial and temporal positions in visual working memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 182-190. [pdf]

Rolfs, M. & Schweitzer, R. (2022). Coupling perception to action through incidental sensory consequences of motor behavior. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1(2), 112-123. [pdf]

Schweitzer, R. & Rolfs, M. (2022). Definition, modeling and detection of saccades in the face of post-saccadic oscillations. In: Eye-tracking: background, methods and applications (ed. S. Stuart). SpringerNature Neuromethods. [pdf]

White, A.L., Moreland, J., & Rolfs, M. (2022). Oculomotor freezing indicates conscious detection free of decision bias. Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(2), 571-585. [pdf]


Yao, B., Rolfs, M., McLaughlin, C., Isenstein, E.L., Guillory, S.B., Grosman, H., Kashy, D.A., Foss-Feig, J.H., & Thakkar, K.N. (2021). Oculomotor corollary discharge signaling is related to repetitive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Vision, 21(8):9, 1-20. [pdf]

Schweitzer, R. & Rolfs, M. (2021). Intra-saccadic motion streaks jump-start gaze correction. Science Advances, 7, 30:eabf2218, 1-14. [pdf] [media & peer commentary]

Rolfs, M. & Ohl, S. (2021). Moving fast and seeing slow? The visual consequences of vigorous movement. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, e131. [link] [pdf]

Shurygina, O., Pooresmaeili, A. & Rolfs, M. (2021). Pre-saccadic attention spreads to stimuli forming a perceptual group with the saccade target, Cortex, 140, 179-198. [pdf]

Kroell, L.M. & Rolfs, M. (2021). The peripheral sensitivity profile at the saccade target reshapes during saccade preparation, Cortex, 139, 12-26. [pdf]

Heuer, A. & Rolfs, M. (2021). Incidental encoding of visual information in temporal reference frames in working memory. Cognition, 207:104526, 1-9. [pdf]


Kroell, L.M. & Rolfs, M. (2020). Book review of "van der Stigchel, S. How Attention Works", Perception, 49(7), 796-797. [pdf]

Heuer, A., Ohl, S., & Rolfs, M. (2020). Memory for action: A functional view of selection in visual working memory. Visual Cognition, 28(5-8), 388-400. [pdf]

Schweitzer, R. & Rolfs, M. (2020). Intra-saccadic motion streaks as cues to linking object locations across saccades. Journal of Vision, 20(4):17, 1-24. [pdf]

Schweitzer, R. & Rolfs, M. (2020). An adaptive algorithm for fast and reliable online saccade detection. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 1122-1139. [pdf]

Ohl, S. & Rolfs, M. (2020). Bold moves: Inevitable saccadic selection in visual short-term memory. Journal of Vision, 20(2):11, 1-14. [pdf]

Valsecchi, M., Cassanello, C. R., Herwig, A., Rolfs, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2020). A comparison of the temporal and spatial properties of trans-saccadic perceptual re-calibration and saccadic adaptation. Journal of Vision, 20(4):2, 1-15. [pdf]


Cassanello, C. R., Ostendorf, F., & Rolfs, M. (2019). A generative learning model for saccade adaptation. PLoS Computational Biology, 15(8), e1006695. [pdf]

Schweitzer, R., Watson, T.L., Watson, J., & Rolfs, M. (2019). The joy of retinal painting: A build-it-yourself device for intrasaccadic presentations. Perception, 48, 1020-1025. [pdf]

Kwon, S., Rolfs, M., Mitchel, J. F. (2019). Pre-saccadic motion integration drives a predictive post-saccadic following response. Journal of Vision, 19(11):12, 1-19. [pdf]

Thakkar, K.N. & Rolfs, M. (2019). Disrupted corollary discharge in schizophrenia: evidence from the oculomotor system. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4, 773-781. [pdf]

Yao, B., Neggers, S.F.W., Rolfs, M., Rösler, L., Thompson, I.A., Hopman, H.J., Ghermezi, L., Kahn, R.S., & Thakkar, K.N. (2019). Structural thalamofrontal hypoconnectivity is related to oculomotor corollary discharge dysfunction in schizophrenia. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(11), 2102-2113. [pdf]


Rolfs, M., Murray-Smith, N., & Carrasco, M. (2018). Perceptual learning while preparing saccades. Vision Research, 152, 126-138. [pdf]

Ohl, S. & Rolfs, M. (2018). Saccadic selection of stabilized items in visuospatial working memory. Consciousness and Cognition, 64, 32-44. [pdf]

van Heusden, E., Rolfs, M., Cavanagh, P., & Hogendoorn, H. (2018). Motion extrapolation for eye movements predicts perceived motion-induced position shifts. Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 8243-8250. [pdf] [media & peer commentary]

Balsdon, T., Schweitzer, R., Watson, T. L., & Rolfs, M. (2018). All is not lost: Post-saccadic contributions to the perceptual omission of intra-saccadic streaks. Consciousness and Cognition, 64, 19-31. [pdf] [media & peer commentary]


Ohl, S., Kuper, C., & Rolfs, M. (2017). Selective enhancement of orientation tuning before saccades. Journal of Vision, 17(13):2, 1-11. [pdf]

Kalogeropoulou, Z. & Rolfs, M. (2017). Saccadic eye movements do not disrupt the deployment of feature-based attention. Journal of Vision, 17(8):4, 1-15. [pdf]

Ohl, S. & Rolfs, M. (2017). Saccadic eye movements impose a natural bottleneck on visual short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 43, 736-748. [pdf]

Ohl, S. & Rolfs, M. (2017). Chances and challenges for an active visual search perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e150. [pdf]

Thakkar, K.N., Diwadkar, V.A., & Rolfs, M. (2017). Oculomotor prediction: a window into the psychotic mind. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 344-356. [pdf]

Kalogeropoulou, Z., Jagadeesh, A.V., Ohl, S., & Rolfs, M. (2017). Setting and changing feature priorities in Visual Short-Term Memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 453-458. [pdf] [media & peer commentary]


Rolfs, M. (2016). Seeing causality with the motor system? Current Biology, 26, R1183-R1185. [pdf]

Rolfs, M. & Dambacher, M. (2016). What draws the line between perception and cognition? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, e257. [pdf]

Rolfs, M.* & Szinte, M.* (2016). Remapping attention pointers: Linking physiology and behavior. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20, 399-401. [pdf] (*authors contributed equally)

White, A. & Rolfs, M. (2016). Oculomotor inhibition covaries with conscious detection. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116, 1507-1521. [pdf]

Cassanello, C.R., Ohl, S., & Rolfs, M. (2016). Saccadic adaptation to a systematically varying disturbance. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116, 336-350. [pdf]

Szinte, M., Jonikaitis, D., Rolfs, M., Cavanagh, P., & Deubel, H (2016). Presaccadic motion integration between current and future retinal locations of attended objects. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116, 1592-1602. [pdf]


Rolfs, M. (2015). Attention in active vision: A perspective on perceptual continuity across saccades. Perception, 44, 900-919. [pdf]

Rösler, L., Rolfs, M., van der Stigchel, S., Neggers, S. F. W., Cahn, W., Kahn, R. S., & Thakkar, K. N. (2015). Failure to use corollary discharge to remap visual target locations is associated with psychotic symptom severity in schizophrenia. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114, 1129-1136. [pdf]

White, A.L., Rolfs, M., & Carrasco, M. (2015). Stimulus competition mediates the joint effects of spatial and feature-based attention. Journal of Vision, 15(14):7, 1-21. [pdf]

Szinte, M., Carrasco, M., Cavanagh, P., & Rolfs, M. (2015). Attentional tradeoffs maintain the tracking of moving objects across saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113, 2220-2231. [pdf] [media & peer commentary]


Rolfs, M., Lawrence, B., & Carrasco, M. (2013). Reach preparation enhances visual performance and appearance. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368, 20130057. [pdf]

Rolfs, M., Dambacher, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2013). Visual adaptation of the perception of causality. Current Biology, 23, 250-254. [pdf]

White, A.L., Rolfs, M., & Carrasco, M. (2013). Adaptive deployment of spatial and feature-based attention before saccades. Vision Research, 85, 26-35. [pdf]

Jonikaitis, D., Szinte, M., Rolfs, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2013). Allocation of attention across saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109, 1425-1434. [pdf]


Rolfs, M. & Carrasco, M. (2012). Rapid simultaneous enhancement of visual sensitivity and perceived contrast during saccade preparation. Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 13744-13752. [pdf]


Rolfs, M., Jonikaitis, D., Deubel, H., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Predictive remapping of attention across eye movements. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 252-256. [pdf] [recommended by Faculty of 1000] [media & peer commentary]

Rolfs, M. & Ohl, S. (2011). Visual suppression in the superior colliculus around the time of microsaccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105, 1-3. [pdf]


Rolfs, M., Knapen, T., & Cavanagh, P. (2010). Global saccadic adaptation. Vision Research, 50, 1882-1890. [pdf]

Knapen, T., Rolfs, M., Wexler, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2010). The reference frame of the tilt aftereffect. Journal of Vision, 10(1):8, 1-13. [pdf]

Laubrock, J., Kliegl, R., Rolfs, M., & Engbert, R. (2010). When do microsaccades follow spatial attention? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 683-694. [pdf]

Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Visual stability based on remapping of attention pointers. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 147-153. [pdf] [peer commentary]

Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Attention Pointers: Response to Mayo and Sommer. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 390-391. [pdf]

Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Attentional Pointers: Response to Melcher. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 474-475. [pdf]


Rolfs, M. (2009). Microsaccades: Small steps on a long way. Vision Research, 49, 2415-2441. [pdf]

Rolfs, M. (2009). A neural mechanism for fixation instability. Science. (E Letter, 2 Jun 2009), [pdf] [peer commentary]

Collins, T.*, Rolfs, M.*, Deubel, H., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Post-saccadic location judgments reveal remapping of saccade targets to non-foveal locations. Journal of Vision, 9(5):29, 1-9. [pdf] (*authors contributed equally)

Knapen, T., Rolfs, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). The reference frame of the motion aftereffect is retinotopic. Journal of Vision, 9(5):16, 1-6. [pdf]

Dambacher, M., Rolfs, M., Göllner, K., Kliegl, R., & Jacobs, A. (2009). Event-related potentials reveal rapid verification of predicted visual input. PLoS One, 4(3), e5047. [pdf]

Kliegl, R., Rolfs, M., Laubrock, J., & Engbert, R. (2009). Microsaccadic modulation of response times in spatial attention tasks. Psychological Research, 73, 136-146. [pdf]


Rolfs, M., Kliegl, R., & Engbert, R. (2008). Towards a model of microsaccade generation: The case of microsaccadic inhibition. Journal of Vision, 8(11):5, 1-23. [pdf]

Rolfs, M., Laubrock, J., & Kliegl, R. (2008). Microsaccade-induced prolongation of saccadic latencies depends on microsaccade amplitude. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 1(3):1, 1-8. [pdf]

Kinder, A., Rolfs, M., & Kliegl, R. (2008). Sequence learning at optimal stimulus-response mapping: Evidence from a serial reaction time task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 203-209. [pdf]

Thiel, M., Romano, M. C., Kurths, J., Rolfs, M., & Kliegl, R. (2008). Generating surrogates from recurrences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 366, 545-557. [pdf]


Rolfs, M. & Vitu, F. (2007). On the limited role of target onset in the gap task: Support for the motor-preparation hypothesis. Journal of Vision, 7(10):7, 1-20. [pdf]

Laubrock, J., Engbert, R., Rolfs, M., & Kliegl, R. (2007). Microsaccades are an index of covert attention: Commentary on Horowitz, Fine, Fencsik, Yurgenson, and Wolfe (2007). Psychological Science, 18, 364-366. [pdf] [peer commentary]


Rolfs, M., Laubrock, J., & Kliegl, R. (2006). Shortening and prolongation of saccade latencies following microsaccades. Experimental Brain Research, 169, 369-376. [pdf]

Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J., Rolfs, M., Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2006). Synchronization analysis and recurrence in complex systems. In B. Schelter, M. Winterhalder, & J. Timmer (Eds.). Handbook of Time Series Analysis. Berlin: Wiley-VCH. [pdf]

Thiel, M., Romano, M. C., Kurths, J., Rolfs, M., & Kliegl, R. (2006). Twin surrogates to test for complex synchronization. Europhysics Letters, 75, 535-541. [pdf]


Rolfs, M., Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2005). Crossmodal coupling of oculomotor control and spatial attention in vision and audition. Experimental Brain Research, 166, 427-439. [pdf]


Rolfs, M., Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2004). Microsaccade orientation supports attentional enhancement opposite to a peripheral cue. Psychological Science, 15, 705-707. [pdf] [peer commentary]

Kliegl, R., Grabner, E., Rolfs, M., & Engbert, R. (2004). Length, frequency, and predictability effects of words on eye movements in reading. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 16, 262-284. [pdf]